Branding Your Business Based on Your Astrological Midheaven Sign


If I weren’t a designer, I’d probably be an astrologer. For over 10 years, I’ve been studying astrology through books, podcasts, and courses, following a few astrologers and absorbing their content. It’s always made sense to me and created order in the universe—after all, it really is just the study of patterns!

I’ve wanted to integrate my astrological birth chart into my branding and start integrating it into clients’ brands, especially for service-based businesses where the client is the face of the brand.


If you’re new to astrology, this is a big heads-up that this goes beyond basic Sun sign astrology. You'll need to know your birth time to calculate your Midheaven, which I’ll also refer to as the MC. You can calculate your birth chart here. 

I’ve circled Midheaven (the MC) in the example below.

The MC is located at the top of your chart at the 12 o’clock mark. It’s the highest point a planet can reach. If you were born around 12 p.m., the Sun will be here. It’s the most visible part of our chart, which means it’s the most visible part of your life. The MC rules over our reputation, career, and what the world expects from us—which aligns with branding and messaging!

Oftentimes, we might not necessarily resonate with our Midheaven sign, especially if you don’t have any personal planets there, so it could be more difficult to express these energies to the world.

For seasoned astrology peeps
Any planets in the 10th house, and any aspects to that planet, will influence the MC.

For example, if Sagittarius rules your Midheaven, and the planet Pluto is in your 10th house, the Plutonic energies of transformation and intensity intertwine with Sagittarius's expansive, intellectual, and jovial nature. To go even further, if Pluto is making a trine aspect to Mercury, the planet of communication and the mind, you could be known for being a powerful speaker and your voice is quite important in whatever field you’re in.

To get even MORE advanced
Look where your Midheaven's ruling planet is in your chart. Every sign is ruled by a specific planet, which I mention for each sign later in the post.

Let’s look at my chart as an example (above). At the top of my chart, my MC is in Gemini, and the ruling planet of Gemini is Mercury (circled at the bottom of the chart).

Mercury is in my 4th house of home and family in the sign of Capricorn. It’s a no-brainer that I work from home and for myself, as Capricorn is a very entrepreneurial sign. Mercury's more outgoing and sociable energies are subdued in this house and sign, since the planet is now hidden in the lowest point of my chart in one of the “dark houses”. The planet is also expressed more conservatively and pragmatically in the sign of Capricorn. So, while I’m not the most active on social media and out there in terms of showing my face, my job does involve a lot of communication and using technology (both Gemini themes). 

For a more accurate analysis of how to brand yourself, we need to consider the WHOLE chart instead of just looking at one point. Using your MC is simply a starting point. You must look to where the ruling planet is in the chart for an accurate view!

Other areas of the chart to explore:

  • 5th house: the place of creativity and the things we “produce” (the kind of content we create)

  • 6th house: the place of everyday work and routine, our work environment

  • 11th house: networking and groups

  • 1st house: our outlook, the lens through which we view the world, how we present ourselves

  • 2nd house: how we make money, our values

  • This should be used for inspiration purposes only. If something doesn’t resonate, don’t take it.

  • You use your Sun or Moon sign if you don’t know your birth time. If you have a lot of planets in a certain sign (many times, planets will pile up in one sign, like many of my planets are in Capricorn).

  • I mention jobs that might be commonly associated with each sign. These are examples to paint a picture of the nature of each sign, and it doesn’t mean you need to change your career. Whatever you do, you probably bring that sign’s energy to how you show up in your career.

  • My examples are for visuals ONLY and might not necessarily align with messaging.

Each sign is associated with a certain modality, which has to do with where they are in the season:

  • Cardinal: The signs at the beginning of each season. Known for their initiative and action.

  • Fixed: Signs in the middle of each season. Known for their tenacity and focus.

  • Mutable: Signs that conclude the season and transition to the next. Known for their adaptability, spontaneity, and problem solving.

All images sourced in this post do not belong to me and are taken from Pinterest, Cosmos, Tumblr, and



Having Aries on the MC, your audience expects you to be bold, passionate, and a leader in your line of work. Aries is a cardinal fire sign ruled by the planet Mars - the warrior of the zodiac. 

As the first sign in the zodiac, Aries is all about your sense of self and asks the question “who am I?”. No matter your job, you probably are independent, like being in control, and could be fearless in your career. You know how to follow your instincts and would make an excellent leader.

Some jobs associated with Aries are working in the military, running a startup, paramedic, ER doctor, and chef—anything high-energy and keeping you active.

Use bright colors, such as reds and oranges, contrasted by deeper colors, like burgundies or blacks. Bold and thick typography and graphics work well. I think the most important part is choosing visuals that light you up and help you step into the leader that you are.

Messaging can be more out there in terms of language, and you can probably get away with cursing in Insta posts and website copy and being unapologetically YOU. Don’t try to downplay who you are.

rams horns, the head, The Emperor card, Mars, diamonds, rubies, fire, movement, lilies, iron


Deon Libra



The sign of pleasure, leisure, hard work and consistency. It’s a fixed earth sign ruled by Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and harmony. Taurus is more passive and receptive to how they approach this part of their chart. This midheaven needs to have values they stick to and bring some form of beauty into their career.

Any designer, architect, builder, perfume maker, park ranger, veterinarian, are some careers associated with Taurus.

A visual I get is being in bed with your favorite loungewear on, tucked into silky sheets, a glass of red wine, delicious snacks, ambient lighting, and their favorite comfort movie playing. Taurus is driven to bring beauty and stability to the physical world and loves luxury. Choose visuals that capture this and connect you to your senses. Earthy colors (greens, creams, tans/browns), terra cottas, shades of brown, blushes, colors that exude sensuality. Adding texture and dimension in your visuals is a plus, so use textures resembling linen or rough paper. Go for luxury-inspired fonts, like beautiful serifs, that feel a bit more high-end and classic.

Stick to your values and be consistent in the way you communicate with your audience. You can be practical and speak on the world's beauty and what inspires you. Share weekly inspiration, your values, and the things you love and find beautiful. Be consistent in tone of voice.

Bull, springtime, peonies, roses, Venus, the Hierophant card, the neck/throat, emerald, rose quartz, eucalyptus


We Are Nature

Flamingo Estate


The Twins of the zodiac, Gemini is multifaceted, youthful, and can be known as a bit of a trickster. It’s a mutable air sign ruled by the planet Mercury. Gemini's energy is social, quick-witted, curious, trendsetting, lively, and a bit superficial (not in a bad way—Gemini likes to cover many different topics).

Some fields associated with Gemini are communications, media, writing, education, or working with your hands in some capacity, as this sign rules over the hands. There can be a sense of having two different things, or multiples, going on with your career. As this is my own MC sign, I often hear that you don’t need to stick to one thing. Maybe you offer more than one service, such as massage therapy and tarot reading, brand design and copywriting.

Splashes of neon, bright colors that feel like spring and summer—pinks, greens, yellows, purples—anything bright and playful that evokes high energy. Patterns also work well for this sign—like checkerboards. You can be a bit trendier with this placement, so if your brand is in line with it, be a bit gen-z maximalist with your visuals.

A Gemini MC should speak on things that interest them, but they shouldn’t sound too dogmatic or like a know-it-all, as this will not be received well. Share facts instead of theories. Discourse should remain open and bring a sense of lightheartedness to what you do. Speak on trends, technology, and what’s happening in your industry.

the Twins, hands, Mercury, The Lovers card, neighborhood, childhood, citrine, agate, daffodils, fluffy clouds


Kelsey Lynn Creative



The sign of the home, Cancer wants us to retreat in our shells and return to our hearts. Cancer is a cardinal water sign and is ruled by the Moon, the planet that governs our emotions, inner world, and home life. This sign is also associated with the past and our maternal line. Cancer energy emphasizes the heart space and doing things that make us feel secure and safe. 

You could work from home, deal with family or real estate, or bring nurturing to whatever you do. While you don’t necessarily need to work from home or be a stay-at-home mom if you have this placement, a Cancer MC wants you to bring love to your work and make people feel comfortable and secure. 

Blues, creams, blushes, pearlescent, ocean themes, soft serif typography, collages, and vintage-like photo effects (adding grain, using film photography)—comforting and nostalgic visuals.

As a cardinal sign, Cancer is expected to be a leader and take the initiative in their field. Infuse passion into whatever it is you’re speaking about because you’ll arouse that love and affection in others. Feelings are essential to a Cancer, so speak on how things make you feel. Cancer on the MC is very creative and intuitive, so lean into those aspects of yourself. They project a certain kind of innocence and are charismatic.

the crab, the Moon, ocean, pearls, moonstone, The Chariot card, the chest/breasts, stomach, silver, white roses, home, shells, hearts, rose quartz, ylang ylang


Softe Studio
Vacation Sunscreen (vintage vibes)


With Leo on the MC, the world wants you to be bold and use it as a stage! Leo is a fixed fire sign ruled by the Sun, AKA the center of our solar system. Take center stage, be creative, and embody the proud lion. There’s a showmanship energy here, as Leo is the entertainer and performer.

If this is your Midheaven, it doesn’t mean you have to be in entertainment. You may certainly do something creative or be a leader. Leo MCs would do well in the entertainment industry, politics, artists, sales, spokesperson, personal training, marketing, and teaching. This depends on where the Sun is in your chart, by sign and house. No matter what, you’re meant to shine in your career and lift others up with your energy.

Similar to Aries, but with a bit more showmanship—put your face out there, show up, and be the star of your show. The bigger, bolder, and shinier, the better. Golds, reds, oranges—perhaps even some neons if that’s your thing. Utilize high-end printing methods like embossing, letterpress, and gold foil. Bold and beautiful type and bright and fun imagery.

Your audience wants you to be YOU. If you rely on social media for your business, show your face! You don’t need to put your whole self out there, but you are expected to show up as a leader in some capacity. This might be hard for many of you since your rising sign is most likely in Scorpio, the sign of secrecy. As I mentioned in the beginning of this post, embodying the energy of our midheaven isn’t going to be easy (unless you have personal planets there).

Lion, gold, the Sun card, glitter, heart, spine, back, summer, sunflower, citrine, stars, sandalwood


Ginger Rudolph


Service, details, purity, and health are all associated with Virgo, a mutable Earth sign ruled by Mercury. This placement is organized, thoughtful, analytic, nurturing, clean, and focused on how the system runs and how to make it more efficient. 

I’m sure many graphic designers have Virgo as their Midheaven, as this sign focuses on the nitty-gritty. I know of a few people who work in healthcare who have Virgo on their MC. Anything that involves service, detailed work, using their analytical skills, and healing is a career path associated with this sign. No matter what you do, you’re here to help others and help your people along their journey with your sharp mind.

Since this MC is more practical, earth tones and neutrals are great color choices for clean, minimal designs. Straightforward typography without any frills—keep it chic and simple. However, Virgo is a bit of a witchy sign, so you can utilize symbols/marks in your branding that take on a more mystical tone. Overall, opt for a no-nonsense, straightforward approach, and your messaging should follow suit. 

Address your audience with the intent to be helpful and informative. It’s okay if you’re a bit of a know-it-all because you probably know the best way to do things. People will trust your expertise, so lean into that. Overall, approach your audience with the intent to nurture and be helpful.

the maiden/virgin, Mercury, The Hermit card, witches, wheat, the harvest, chrysanthemum, abdomen/digestion, small animals/pets, smokey quartz, rosemary


Home Grown

Baggy Studio


Libra is a cardinal Air sign and is ruled by the planet Venus. Beauty, relationships, and fairness are important to this sign. They’re very socially conscious and want everyone to get along. Libra desires to connect with others, and whatever job you’re in, relationships and community are key to advancing you to where you need to go. Highly curious and intellectual, having a career that keeps them stimulated by connecting with others and problem-solving.

Some jobs that come to mind are mediators, counselors, lawyers, customer service representatives, human resources, managers, and artists. A cardinal sign, Libra is a leader and visionary who can fight for a cause they believe in.  

Ruled by the planet Venus, branding should be harmonious, light, airy, and “pretty”. Soft tones, blushes, pinks, and colors that are harmonious and work together nicely. Classic serif fonts are paired with balanced sans-serif fonts. Even if you don’t like pastels and pink, the visuals should be balanced and harmonious—motifs and imagery that convey balance and harmony, so symmetrical and orderly designs.

Be kind, diplomatic, and pretty even-keeled. Make friends with your clients, and always be open to seeing all sides of a situation. This doesn’t mean avoid conflict, but approach every problem with a higher up perspective.

the Scales, the Justice card, Saturn, Venus, roses, Venus, lower back, hips, rose quartz, ametrine





Magnetic and powerful, Scorpio on the Midheaven brings intensity to whatever field you’re in. Scorpio is a fixed water sign, traditionally ruled by Mars and ruled by Pluto in modern astrology.

Full of ambition and insight, Scorpio can dive deep into a subject and get to the bottom of whatever it is they’re currently fixated on. They’re comfortable with the “scary” parts of life and do well exploring intense subjects like sex, death, and money. A Scorpio MC’s career could be something that transforms them.

Psychologists, detectives, accountants, energy workers, and doulas are some jobs associated with Scorpio MC. 

Branding for a Scorpio MC can take on a sexier, edgy, and more mysterious tone. Purples, burgundies, reds, olives, blacks— go for colors with richness and depth. Imagery and motifs that are associated with transformation, like snakes and butterflies. Lean into the provocative. Don’t be afraid of creating a brand that goes against the norm.

Messaging is engaging and full of depth and insight. People might see you as someone with a lot of power and authority. Remember that not everyone is your audience. With this placement, you could face some sort of pushback, as not everyone is comfortable with this kind of energy and can view you as intimidating. Lean into the provocative, and don’t be afraid to let your freak shine!

Scorpion, the Death card, smokey quartz, Pluto, Mars, genitals/reproductive organs, Persephone, hibiscus


Vivienne Westwood


An explorer and student of life, Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign and ruled by the planet Jupiter. Sag’s energy is intellectual, expansive, and sometimes can be a bit all over the place if the energy isn’t channelled appropriately. This sign brings a fun-loving, wild, worldly, and explorative energy to the Midheaven.

Teaching, travel, philosophy, religion, and publicity are some fields commonly associated with this sign. You might have a very broad reach with your audience, have foreign clients, or you can set your sights high and have lofty career goals. Whatever you do, Sag on the MC will treat their career as a lifelong learning experience and could likely share their insights with others.

Colors associated with Sagittarius are purples and blues, contrasted with bright and warm colors like yellow or orange. Anything with an “ethnic” or foreign look and other visuals that support the expansive and wordly nature of the sign. Interesting typography that feels adventurous and fun, using shapes to crop images (arches, for example). Similar to the other fire signs, Aries and Leo, don’t be afraid to be bold and loud.

A Sag MC is here to teach the wisdom they have gathered. Share your thoughts and ideas liberally, and be curious and open-minded. You can cover various topics, but it’s also good to stick to one thing and go above and beyond with it. A low-vibe Sag can be dogmatic, so be careful not to be too preachy.

the Centaur, The Temperance card, lapis lazuli, labradorite, the thighs, Jupiter, horses, planes


Venture Climate Alliance



Big boss energy with Capricorn on the Midheaven! Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign ruled by the planet Saturn. Capricorns are known for their commitment, ability to create structure, and ability to break down huge goals into a step-by-step process.

This sign brings a sense of structure and organization to the MC. You might very well work in a corporation or somewhere with hierarchy and traditional roles. But don’t pigeonhole Capricorn as a money-hungry person climbing the corporate ladder, they have strong career ambitions and are determined to reach their goals. They care about longevity and are slowly but surely working their way to the top - they’re in it for the long haul! 

Jobs associated with Capricorn on the Midheaven include management and leadership roles, research and development, CEO, starting their own business, and anything that allows them to be in control.

Don’t go for trendy design choices for your branding; pick fonts and colors that will stand the test of time. Utilitarian, structure, quiet luxury, and quality are all keywords for design. A bit more minimal and austere in aesthetics, Cap doesn’t want anything superfluous and unnecessary. In your brand collateral, like business cards, prioritize high-end printing methods like embossing or letterpress and use good-quality papers.

Messaging should be concise and matter-of-fact. Don’t be too lofty and airy, remain purposeful and intentional with how you communicate with your audience. People expect you to be a leader, so show up with confidence. Stay committed to whatever it is you’re doing, consistency is key. Be mindful of your tone, because there could edge on sounding too harsh and cold.

the sea goat, Saturn, mountains, The Devil card, cliffs, buildings/structures, bones and joints, jasmine, cedarwood, onyx, garnet



Brick Works


Aquarius is the innovator and humanitarian of the zodiac. It is a fixed air sign ruled by Saturn in traditional astrology and Uranus in modern astrology. Authentic, eccentric, and quick-witted, they’re here to march to the beat of their own drum and innovate in whatever field they’re in.

Ruled by Uranus, the planet of chaos, change, and innovation, and Saturn, the planet of structure, responsibility, and discipline, this sign has a bit of a contradictory energy. There’s a bit of structure to their chaos and a method to their madness.

This sign represents the collective and large groups, so their career might involve working towards a big-picture idea that helps the collective. Anything that involves working with and leading groups, allows freedom, and helps bring out their authenticity is key for this sign. Their authenticity is in service to the collective.

Go against the grain and be a little quirky with your branding. Is everyone in your industry using a sans-serif font for their logo? Try a serif, or maybe even handwritten for a more personable and artistic look. Aquarius is associated with the future, aliens, and technology, so you could use futuristic metallics and designs. Colors can be brighter, but using blues/turquoise, purples, and greens captures Aquarius's essence well.

Messaging should focus on the bigger picture. Don’t be afraid of sounding too quirky or out there. Focus on how your ideas can help your community. Ruled by the planet of chaos and change, it’s okay if you sound a bit outlandish, as long as its with the intent to help the collective.

The water bearer, Saturn, Uranus, The Star card, ankles, orchids, amethyst, turquoise, aquamarine



Good Weird


Pisces is a mutable water sign and is traditionally ruled by Jupiter, and by Neptune in modern astrology. Pisces are the mystics of the zodiac, and are very kind, gentle, imaginative, and warm. This sign rules over the subconscious and the spiritual side of life, so people with this MC might bring these elements into their work. Probably one of the most confusing signs, as it’s ruled by the planet of illusion (Neptune), they could be hard to pin down and might not have a ton a boundaries.

For a Pisces Midheaven, careers that involve using their empathetic and psychic gifts, connecting and healing others through traditional or holistic medicine, or using their imagination like writing, poetry, painting, dancer, or musician are best suited. Even working on the water, like a fisherman!

Colors commonly associated with Pisces are reminiscent of a mermaid - lilac, lavender, and turquoise. Use visuals for your branding that are soft and ephemeral to connect with this sign, dreamy and light photography. The use of gradients with soft colors. Pearls, pastels, chiffon.

Messaging should be kind, dreamy, creative, relaxed, and gentle. As a mutable sign, messaging can shift tones depending on the mood or message that needs to be conveyed. Empathetic by nature, understanding and kind. It’s okay to be a little mysterious and nebulous, too, as this will leave people wanting to know more about you.

two fish, The Moon card, Neptune, Jupiter, feet, amethyst, flourite, lavender, nebula, lotus,


Sage East

Prounis Jewelry


Astro Branding: Creating More Authenticity in Your Branding with Astrology


Inside the Studio: The Tools I Use to Keep My Business Running